Our network
Network members
Network members play an essential role in offering expertise, resources, and leadership on Causal Pathways. If you are interested in becoming a network member, send us an email at causalpathways@policysolve.com!
This report explores the assessment network members made in 2021 about the needs and opportunities, as well as initial actions.
Leading network participants
Barbara Befani
University of Surrey
Carlisle Levine
BLE Solutions
Fiona Remnant
Bath Social & Development Research
Giel Ton
Institute of Development Studies
Heather Britt
NORC, University of Chicago
Isabel Musse
Jeph Mathias
Independent Consultant
James Copestake
Bath Social & Development Research
Marina Apgar
Institute of Development Studies
Nina Sabarre
Intention 2 Impact
Rick Davies
Independent Consultant
Steve Powell
Causal Map
Tom Aston
Independent Consultant
Yulianto Dewata
Indonesia Researcher, Independent Consultant
Leadership and staff
Carolina De La Rosa Mateo
Independent Consultant
Sarah Stachowiak
CEO, ORS Impact
Jewlya Lynn
Founder, PolicySolve
Julia Coffman
Co-Executive Director, Center for Evaluation Innovation
Member name and organization
Barbara Befani, University of Surrey
Carlisle Levine, BLE Solutions, LLC
Fiona Remnant, Bath Social & Development Research
Giel Ton, Institute of Development Studies
Heather Britt, NORC, University of Chicago
Isabel Musse, Mathematica
Jeph Mathias, Independent Consultant
James Copestake, Bath Social & Development Research
Marina Apgar, Institute of Development Studies
Nina Sabarre, Intention 2 Impact
Rick Davies, Independent Consultant
Steve Powell, Causal Map
Tom Aston, Independent Consultant
Yulianto Dewata, Indonesia Researcher, Indepedent Consultant
Thank you to our funders for supporting Causal Pathways!